A New Ruby Toolbox

Hello Kiwi Ruby! Thanks for listening to me talk about our new tools for Ruby web app development <3 Want to learn more? Here are some resources to get you started.

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Open source examples

Check out dry-rb/dry-web-blog for our work-in-progress example app using the dry-rb gems. The team is developing this gradually, pull request by pull request, so watch the repository and you’ll be able to follow along and even chime in if you have questions or thoughts.

For a slightly more developed app, you can also check out icelab/berg, which is the code behind the Icelab company website. This one’s a little bit stale now, but it should hopefully give you some ideas about how everything fits together.

Further reading

Tim (from Icelab) started a small blog series last year about “next-generation” Ruby apps, which explored how he started and explains in more detail some of the principles covered in the talk.

There are also others in the community who’ve been thinking and blogging about a functional approach to Ruby. A couple of good recent posts:

Other talks

Tim’s talk at RubyConf Malaysia - Real-world Functional Ruby (Thursday 12th October, 2017):

To learn more about rom-rb 4.0, check out Piotr Solnica’s talk from RailsClub this year: